Beyond Migraine

A 12-Month Healing Journey

Decrease your migraine symptoms, boost your energy and uplift your mood with yoga and self-care

Beyond Migraine is a 2-month small group coaching intensive + 10 months of ongoing support and Yoga for Migraine classes to help you holistically reduce your migraine symptoms with a pro holding your hand every step of the way.


Beyond Migraine

A 12-Month Healing Journey

Decrease your migraine symptoms, boost your energy and uplift your mood with yoga and self-care

Beyond Migraine is an 2-month small group coaching intensive + 10 months of ongoing support and Yoga for Migraine classes to help you holistically reduce your migraine symptoms with a pro holding your hand every step of the way.

Adriane meditating

Looking for the details?

Scroll no further.

Why It’s Different:  This is the only mind-body migraine coaching of its kind. 

Learn to retrain your migraine brain with:

🧘🏽‍♀️ Yoga for Migraine

🧠 Pain Reprocessing Therapy

🚶🏽‍♀️ Nourishing self-care habits

Step-by-step personalized coaching, accountability and community for eight weeks plus ten months of yoga practice and support will help you substantially reduce your migraine days and enjoy your life again.

Dates:  September 9-November 1, 2024 is the 2-month coaching intensive, followed by 10 months of yoga practice and support. This summer cohort includes 2 bonus weeks with early access to the program.

How Much:  My signature 12-month program Beyond Migraine is 12 monthly payments of $300 USD or $3500 if paid in full. (Limited partial 50% scholarships may be available to those who qualify.)

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, allow me to introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Adriane (she/her) and I help folks with migraine drastically decrease their symptoms and reconnect to the activities that give them joy and purpose.

I created Beyond Migraine because I know migraine has taken so much from you…

…and you’re longing to feel whole again.

I am working now. I am living my life again. It's full, not empty. I'm socializing again, going out with my friends. I am active. I went back to the gym...Adriane changed my life.

-Autumn M., Animal Trainer

Have you done this too?🤚🏽

When I had chronic migraine, I was desperate for anything that promised to relieve my pain.

If you’re like me, you’ve tried all the things:

  • You’ve “failed” a bazillion migraine medications that left you with nasty side effects and little improvement.
  • You’ve cut out random foods that you love like cheese and bananas following strict migraine diets that caused you to constantly worry if every single thing you ate would give you a migraine attack.
  • You’ve spent a ton of money on alternative therapies like functional medicine, chiropractors and acupuncture that didn’t really do a whole lot.
  • You’ve spent endless hours getting sucked into the rabbit hole of migraine Facebook groups and watching every Migraine World Summit (perhaps that’s where you first saw me in 2021!) searching for answers.
  • You’ve oriented your life around avoiding so many migraine triggers that you hardly leave the house anymore, and if you do, you feel so anxious that you hardly enjoy yourself.

Now, you’re not sure what to do next. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Book a Call to Enroll in Beyond Migraine


Let's talk to see how Beyond Migraine can help you decrease your migraine days and live a life you love again.

It’s time to take migraine matters into your own hands.

I teach you the tools to independently dial back your migraine symptoms yourself, without having to rely on doctors or healers to “fix” you.

Not with new meds, diets or sacred herbs that only grow in the Himalayas.

But with my own special blend of:

✔️ Yoga for Migraine 

✔️ Pain Reprocessing Therapy 

✔️ Good old-fashioned healthy habits…

I empower you to regulate your own nervous system and enjoy life again without migraine calling all the shots.

Adriane sipping Self-Care is Healthcare mug

And I guide you in a way that is doable for your sensitive migraine brain, one baby step at a time.

Your migraine brain has learned to be on constant high alert.

Everything from an unstable upbringing, to stressful events to simply living with the uncertainty of migraine itself can make you more susceptible to developing chronic pain. 

But the good news is…

You can teach your migraine brain new tricks.

Your brain is neuroplastic, which means it is highly capable of learning new things and changing, no matter how old you are.

Self Hug

Just like training a nervous rescue puppy, you can train your anxious migraine brain to feel safe, loved and cared for.

But instead of using dog treats, you will train your brain to be calmer and more resilient with daily yoga and self-care.

As your migraine brain feels safer, your symptoms begin to simmer down and your confidence begins to rise…

You’re able to participate more fully in the world again and reconnect with the activities that you love…

...and migraine no longer holds you back.

Lindsey A photo

When I joined Yoga for Migraine, I was in a very low spot. My chronic migraine had taken over my life during the past several years. I was having 27-15 headache days a month, easily maxing out my medications, was drained from the churn of doctor’s appointments and medication roulette, had to leave my full-time job, and was just existing day-to-day.

Four months later, my headache days are dramatically reduced to only a handful a month! Last month I only took one rescue medication. (I still can’t believe that!)  My head has cleared and I can enjoy reading, tv shows, and social outings again. I’m going on short hikes with my dogs and enjoying my regular yoga practice. I’ve even started a new job.

Beyond Migraine was the missing link.

-Lindsey A., Dietician

What’s Included in Beyond Migraine

My signature 12 month program can reduce your migraine days 50-80% and reconnect you to the activities that give you joy and purpose.  Get premium personalized support and guidance to drastically reduce your migraine symptoms for the long-run.


  • Two 1:1 Coaching Calls with Me Directly
  • 2 Months of Step-by-Step On-Demand Modules on Migraine, Pain Science and Yoga
  • 2 Months of Two Live Sessions Per Week: Group Coaching + Yoga
  • 2 Months of Done-For-You Yoga for Migraine On-Demand Program 
  • 2 Months of Unlimited 1:1 Email Coaching with Me Directly
  • Private Client-Only Facebook Group
  • 10 Months of Monthly Alumni Group Coaching Calls & Replays
  • 10 Months of Weekly Live Yoga for Migraine Classes & Replays 
  • 10 Months of Access to the Migraine Wellness Membership with 150+ Searchable On-Demand Yoga Videos 
Adriane writing in a journal

For the first eight weeks, we meet for one hour live on Wednesdays (live Q&A calls) and Fridays (live yoga) at 9:30am PT/ 12:30pm ET/ 5:30pm GT.  

Then for the next ten months, you will continue your weekly Friday yoga classes and join the monthly live alumni Q&A calls the first Monday of the month at 9:30am PT/ 12:30pm ET/ 5:30pm GT.

All live sessions are recorded and included.

Beyond Migraine has two unique phases:

PHASE 1: Yoga and Coaching Intensive (2 months)

During your initial Yoga and Coaching Intensive phase, you will:

  • Study the weekly themed modules on migraine, pain science and yoga and do short reflection activities 
  • Attend weekly live group Q&A sessions for community and coaching 
  • Receive unlimited personal email coaching to keep you making progress 
  • Receive two 1:1 coaching sessions with me to go deeper into resolving your unique challenges and set you up for long-term success 
  • Practice 30 minutes of yoga daily with a progressive done-for-you schedule of yoga videos so you know exactly what to practice each day
  • Attend weekly live Yoga for Migraine classes for community and accountability
  • In total, expect to spend on average 30 minutes a day practicing yoga plus 2 hours per week with coaching and modules during Phase 1

PHASE 2: Yoga and Community Connection (10 months)

During your final Yoga and Community Connection phase, you will:

  • Attend weekly live Yoga for Migraine classes for connection and accountability
  • Attend monthly live Alumni Group Coaching calls for community and support
  • Continue practicing 30 minutes of yoga daily Yoga for Migraine videos in the Migraine Wellness Membership Program, my “Netflix” for Yoga for Migraine with searchable on-demand 150+ yoga practices ranging from 2-60 minutes.
  • In total, expect to spend on average 30 minutes a day practicing yoga plus 1 hour per month with coaching in the yoga continuation phase of the program
Adriane side stretch on floor in front of laptop

My life is better. My quality of life is better. My pain is lower. I am mentally happier...I couldn't have done this without you.

-Monal P., Nanny

Beyond Migraine 12-Month Healing Journey Investment

12 monthly payments of 

$300 USD

Or Pay In Full $3500 USD

Limited partial 50% scholarships may be available to those who qualify.

Book a call and fill out an application to be considered for a scholarship.

Able to pay in full? Thank you! You get:

🎁BONUS: 60 minute 1:1 call


  • 2024 Yoga for Migraine First Aid Kit On-Demand Program
  • Migraine Self-Care Diary PDF

A sneak peek inside Beyond Migraine

My unique holistic approach to reducing migraine symptoms follows the 3-R Framework for Migraine Reduction:

  • Restore- Restore your nervous system and reduce your response to migraine triggers
  • Relieve- Relieve your migraine symptoms with practical daily strategies
  • Renew- Renew your mindset and be empowered to enjoy your life beyond migraine

Module 1: Re-Imagine

  • Set a new intention and vision for your health and life.

Module 2: Rest

  • Create healthy sleep habits for migraine prevention.

Module 3: Routine

  • Establish a healthy daily routine for eating, moving and yoga that sticks.

Module 4: Restore

  • Restore your energy and experience sweet surrender with restorative yoga.

Module 5: Reflect

  • Disentangle your physical pain, thoughts and emotions in order to find freedom from suffering.

Module 6: Respire

  • Decrease your stress and migraine symptoms with the power of your breath.

Module 7: Re-Energize

  • Move more and reintroduce fun and joy back into your life.

Module 8: Radiate

  • Fearlessly pursue the life of your dreams and share your gifts with others.
Dorigen photo

I had the lowest number of migraine days that I've had for over four years. The practice of yoga improves every aspect of your life but it's certainly also helped me with the migraines.

-Dorigen C., Professor

Is Beyond Migraine right for you?

To get the most out of my coaching, you need to:

  • Be diagnosed with migraine or other headache disorder.
  • Be open-minded, humble and willing to come to the table with a beginner’s mind and re-evaluate what you might have learned previously about migraine and healing.
  • Be committed to your own transformation, whether that means showing up on your yoga mat everyday or acknowledging how your thoughts and emotions impact your physical pain.
  • Have the time and space in your schedule to commit to our live sessions at 9:30am PT/12:30pm ET/ 5:30pm GT on Wednesdays (live Q&A calls) for eight weeks and Fridays (live yoga) for twelve months.  Plus practice up to thirty minutes of yoga each day.
  • Stay in communication with me.  You will get what you came for if you check in with me weekly, show up on our live calls and reach out if you are struggling.  Particularly if you are struggling.
  • Advocate for yourself.  While you’re open and coachable, you’re also not passive - you show up as the captain of your ship and take initiative.  You speak up on calls and ask for help even when you don’t know exactly what help you need.
  • Trust the process.  Healing is not a straight line and life with migraine is notoriously up and down.  Putting time tables and pressure on yourself to hurry up and heal will inevitably backfire.  Trust the process while releasing expectations for immediate results.  You are learning a new way of being and that can take time.  But it is so worth it.
Adriane holding Yoga for Migraine bag and yoga mat

**I cannot currently accept clients who have active alcohol or drug dependencies or who have been diagnosed with serious mood disorders or PTSD and are not receiving treatment.**

Carolyn photo

I have experienced migraine attacks for over 30 years.  Within a month of starting the program, I went from 15-17 migraine attacks to 4-5 per month and have maintained that level for the past 5 months.  

It is BY FAR the best investment I have ever made in myself.

-Carolyn, Retired Teacher

Book a Call to Enroll in Beyond Migraine

Let's talk to see how Beyond Migraine can help you decrease your migraine days and live a life you love again.

Want more testimonials?

Feel free to peruse dozens of my client testimonials to see what's possible.

Got questions?

Click below to contact me with any questions or concerns you might have.

Want to chat 1:1?

Click below to set up a free call to see if Beyond Migraine is a good fit for you.